His way in the marine industry, Sergey started at High school in the seamanship major. He pursued his affection for the sea during his army service, where he served in the navy as chief of a patrol boat. After the army, Sergey decided to take his career to the next level. He graduated as a mechanical engineer and shortly after, started working as a technician and a skipper for "i-Shaked" at the port of Ashdod. Sergey holds a boat license of grades 30, 40, 60 from a young age. Furthermore, he served as a license manager for a boating license of any kind. In 2016, Sergey acquired a marine engineer certificate from the Israeli Ministry of Transport. Afterward, he founded ''Aquarius'' with its primary vision to transform the marine engineering industry in Israel, to be accessible to all customers. In his work, Sergey is implementing his professional knowledge he acquired during his career. All the services Aquarius provides are according to the Israeli administration of shipping and ports 

We believe in providing a professional, comprehensive, and kind service to our customers.